Sunday, May 25, 2014

Been to a Nutritionist

I finally went to a nutritionist this past Thursday. Things are starting to look up! I'm going to the pool for the first time this year, and not too happy about what I look like in my favorite bikini I bought last year.  I'm feeling hopeful though, because I know the next pictures I take in this bikini, I'll be smaller!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

2014. I don't want to pay for a plane ticket.

So I'm fat again. I have a deal with my boyfriend that if I lose 20 lbs by the time we leave for California, July 2nd, I don't have to pay for my airfare. That means I have to weigh at most 171.6 before I step on the plane. I've had a month already, and haven't done anything. Tomorrow I'm starting Insanity. The photos I'm posting are from a few weeks ago, but nothing has changed....I just don't want to take pics again.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fat Again

Here I am, back at 170 lbs...I got down to 156 at one point, so wtf am I doing at 170?!?! It's time for a drastic change AGAIN. So here are some current pics of me, which will soon be changing.


Monday, February 6, 2012


Gonna do this kinda lazy. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Lost another pound! I've been running at least 2.5 miles a day, but the last 2 days, I've ran 3.5 miles. I decided I can't keep up with Insanity AND run, so I'd rather run. I still throw in some P90X dvds...

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Dress

This is the dress that I have to fit into in a month...
It's not zipped up all the way, it's so tight around my hips that it makes me look like I have dang saddle bags (which I don't!), and the slit in the back on the bottom is almost wide open, so you can see my butt. Haha. But it's a SMALL!!