Thursday, December 16, 2010

Just had to post this :

So I tried on a dress I've had for a few years...I got it at the beginning of 2007, when i was just a little bit bigger than I am now (5-10 lbs), but I wore it when I was at my heaviest, too...& I had to wear the little red jacket thing to cover up my back fat spillin out...but anyway, the first pic is me at my heaviest (210 lbs) at a Christmas party on Decemeber 18, 2008, & the second pic is me about 30 minutes ago trying on the dress again (166 lbs). YAY!!
WOW!!! :)

Left is from January 18, 2010, right is December 15, 2010. 44 lbs & 3 sizes smaller!!

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