Thursday, February 17, 2011

Finishing this.

I've decided that I want to be at my goal weight, 140 lbs, but April 12th. It'll be exactly one year since starting my journey. I have 22 lbs to go. I started Insanity yesterday, and am sooooo sore. I am also running everyday. I usually only run about 1.3 miles, but I've decided to up it to about 2.5 miles, running twice a day. I have a wedding to go to in a month, and want to look absolutely gorgeous. I already have the dress, but it's a small...I can sqeeze into it now, but it's not exactly the most flattering thing. I think that 10lbs will make a world of a difference, so my short term goal is to lose 10 lbs by the wedding. I'm being extremely strict on my diet, only 1200 calories a day, and trying to burn over 500 calories a day by working out. So, running twice a day, and doing Insanity should be good. I am also thinking of adding P90X workouts to my daily routine as well. I know this sounds really extreme, but I need to finish this. If I would have been working this hard from the beginning, I could have been done in 6 months or so. It is now 10 months later, and I'm still trying to finish. I WILL finish by April 12th, so help me God.

The back of my door in my room; Thinspiration, Before & After of me, & Insanity calendar.

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